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onsdag 4 mars 2009

Eng. uppsats

My new path of life.

It was the summer between junior high and high school, I can still remember everything as if it was yesterday. This was going to become the most important time of my life…

It was a warm day in the middle of June 2008. I had suffered from depression for a while, the time that I had spent in darkness felt like a hundred and thousands of years and I only wanted to give up.

But something really changed my mind; you don’t have to believe in my words, even though I am telling you the truth and nothing else.

I was walking down by the beach, or no, I was running. What did I run to? I had no clue, but now afterwards I know that I tried to escape from myself. I ran and ran and ran. I had nothing to live for, everyone was hurting me and I just couldn’t stand that pain any longer. I decided to jump, yes, commit suicide. I started to climb, climb and climb even higher and faster upwards. I knew one thing; I had to do it as fast as I could before I changed my mind. The cliff was sharp as a knife and blood from my hands was now running down my arms. “Does it matter?” I thought. I will be dead in a few minutes anyway. Then I reached the top of the cliff. I stood still for about a minute and just admired my view. The sun was setting and the world was so beautiful. I loved Mother Earth and her beautiful nature. The world was so innocent; it felt like it would never hurt me. I took three steps forward, and I was now standing on the edge. I had made up my mind; I couldn’t find my reason to live. But why did I hesitate? I wasn’t afraid of dying. I took a deep breath and just as I was about to jump I changed my mind and I felt that I needed two more minutes to think about my decision. But when I finally had made the decision to wait a strong wind came and blew me off the cliff. It was less than a matter of seconds but I succeeded to grab the cliff edge with both of my hands. My poor hands were bleeding again, and this time they were bleeding more than ever. My hands got all wet and slippery by the blood, and just when I was about to lose my grip totally an old man with a long gray beard reached me his hand. I took his hand, but he wouldn’t pull me up. He gave me two choices number one was; He would help me up on the condition that I promised to take care of my life and try to seek happiness. Choice two was; to let go and fall. I knew that no one could save me then, not even the best surgeon in this world.

This was not a hard choice to make. I choose life, because we are on this earth to live our lives. And if you die, you can never turn back again. My life is more happy and joyful now. And I only want to say thanks to that old man. But he disappeared, he came from nowhere and then he was just gone. After this incident I do believe in guardian angels.

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